Thank you for booking on-line with Atos Wellness Pte Ltd. Kindly read the Terms & Conditions before you proceed with your booking. Terms & Conditions :
Our Customer Service Department at our HQ will confirm with you on the status of your booking within one(1) working day.
Immediate appointments - please call the respective centre's hotline:
Atos Wellness - #03-01, 25 North Bridge - 67374449
Atos Wellness - The CHEVRONS - 65632282
Inner Harmony Pte Ltd - #03-02/03, 25 North Bridge - 67374449
For change or cancellation of appointments - should be made with the respective centre at least a day before the original appointed date.
Only one(1) treatment per appointment per day is allowed through on-line booking.
The Management reserves the right to assign any therapist/masseuse if the requested therapist/masseuse is not available as our buddy system will apply. Each client is assigned to a team of trained therapists.